lundi 3 avril 2017


Although spring started officially almost two weeks ago, we've enjoyed mostly the "lion" version of it:  blustery winds, grey threatening skies sailing by, chilly evenings, occasional showers.  Today, however, I believe le printemps has its foot squarely in the door.

I took advantage of it, for a change.  I am nearly put back together from my guess' visit; I finished the last load of linens today.  While I was washing, I took advantage of the day to do some "spring cleaning"--changed the pillow protectors, removed and laundered the housse de couette (duvet cover).  It and the duvet, which I aired over my office window railing are now tucked away for the season.  I don't think I will be needing such a warm cover for sleeping for a while. 

My new favorite tree

I also have been slaving away at my floors and my spirits sagged a little today when I realized that if I am going to insist on keeping the windows open, I have to face the fact that the floors will need nearly daily vacuuming and at least a weekly washing.  Otherwise they are covered in black grime, blowing in, probably from the Basque country!  It's just how things are.  And it didn't help when on the freshly washed kitchen floor, I managed to drop a piece of Moroccan melon!  Not even two hours after the floor had dried!  Grrrr. 
The definition of "tree"
This is impressive, even if the photo is not

When I first moved here, my original apartment was small enough that keeping it neat and tidy didn't take nearly as much effort as does this bigger one.  But it is nearly double the floor space, so I guess that's to be expected.  If only I could cultivate the habit one of my friend's friend has--she mops her kitchen floor every evening right before going to bed.  But, I am getting into a routine and accomplishing projects, and I think my "nest" is taking less of my time and energy.  Spring cleaning included!
Showing green "mist"

Silvery tops of the olive trees at le Dome

So, I actually found time today to take my camera for a walk.  The trees, especially the platane trees along the main boulevards, are starting to leaf out.  But the leaves are small and underdeveloped at this point, so the trees look like they are wearing a green mist.  Just a hint of green about the small, graceful branches.

At Place Gambetta

I discovered a tree on the grounds of the Prefecture that should appear in dictionaries world wide as the definition of  tree.  It really is spectacular and my mission in the next few days will be to go to the city, contact the head of the grounds/parks and make an appointment so he/she can teach me what these trees are....I saw three more over by the Dome, but they are not nearly so mature and impressive.  

Riot of colors
I moseyed by the Dome, peering into the windows of my favorite antique shop.  Since it is Monday, he's closed, but he was in the shop, changing out his window.  What an artist.  I then wandered a little through Les Capucins ending up by the fountain at the Portail des Jacobins.  The wind was spraying the water on anyone, human or avian, who got too near.  The birds liked it better than the humans.
Wind blows the fountain spray

Severely pruned platane trees by the Caserne...will they survive?
Spring colors were everywhere--primroses and poppies shone in the sun.  I have seen some wisteria blooming and I need to take the train to Limoux for the track-side irises.  I love having four seasons and I am reveling in this printemps.  Home now, with a glass of rose and some aperos, I am truly blessed this day. 
Poppies blow in the wind

3 commentaires:

  1. I love how spring lightens one's mood...and it's my favorite time of year. So fresh and lovely there!

  2. I love how spring lightens one's mood...and it's my favorite time of year. So fresh and lovely there!

  3. Again I so enjoyed your latest blog. Marian
