jeudi 9 juin 2016

Ceremony in Albi

Albi's monument to those "Mort pour la France"
After finding covered parking in Albi, we headed off toward the "downtown" section, and the Cathedral.  Interesting, isn't it that we three all decline to use maps.  I am not sure that's always the best course of action, but really, how lost could we get?
Lining the steps

This says it all
I spotted a rectangular plaza where obviously something was going to happen.  There were men and a few women dressed in military uniforms, and dozens of flags being carried.  I spotted a brass player, and a podium and a cordoned-off area with seats, obviously for the dignitaries.  My camera and I suggested that we go see what was happening.
Honored dignitaries

At that point the trumpeter sounded a fanfare--a call to attention.  The sash-wearing dignitaries assembled for a short walk to the seating area and one man in uniform took the podium.  More fanfares followed.  He read a statement informing us that they'd gathered here to honor the French soldiers who'd given their lives in Indo-China.

Waiting to begin

The solemnity whole thing caught my be the throat.  I found my eyes tearing up at what I was witnessing.  The French LOVE their ceremonies and take them very seriously, even small ones such as this. It wasn't well attended, mostly by a few visitors who'd stumbled upon it.  They were in bright uniforms, wearing sashes, waving flags.  The trumpet player, as usual, cracked on the fanfares.  In terms of "professionalism" it was sadly lacking, as, honestly, most of these ceremonies I have witnessed have been. 
The musicians

But something about it touched me.  This is a people determined to never forget.  They don't simply discard their history, which is a double-edged sword, I am also learning.  It didn't matter that the ceremony was sparsely attended; what mattered was the doing of it.  There's a lesson there.


2 commentaires:

  1. This is a very meaningful ceremony. Thank you for sharing it with me. Marian

  2. This is a very meaningful ceremony. Thank you for sharing it with me. Marian
